You won't be the first to call me heathen
To pat my head as if I just don't understand
because of my poor, weak, "woman-mind"
because of my misled and deceitful heart
If man is the head
man ordained me
so I am in perfect submission
but you don't want man to be the head
when that man is in disagreement with your man
Would you appeal to me, then, to submit to Christ instead?
I appeal to you to submit to Christ first
As I submit to Christ first and foremost
And answer to Him as His servant
And after Christ to those he has placed in authority over me, man and woman alike
Just as those Christ has placed under my authority submit to me
Just as it is written "submit one to another"
equal in power and in negotiation
because there is no man, no woman, no Greek, no Roman, no Jew or Gentile
In God's sight
He will use them all as He sees fit and in accordance with his Kingdom
For this vessel He makes for rich purposes
and this one He makes for poor
Will you, the clay, look to the Potter and question that He has the right
to make one thing for glory and another for destruction?
You won't be the first to denounce my Christianity
he did as well - when I walked away from his abuse, his lies, his cheating
he did not like that I did not fall under his control anymore either.
To pat my head as if I just don't understand
because of my poor, weak, "woman-mind"
because of my misled and deceitful heart
If man is the head
man ordained me
so I am in perfect submission
but you don't want man to be the head
when that man is in disagreement with your man
Would you appeal to me, then, to submit to Christ instead?
I appeal to you to submit to Christ first
As I submit to Christ first and foremost
And answer to Him as His servant
And after Christ to those he has placed in authority over me, man and woman alike
Just as those Christ has placed under my authority submit to me
Just as it is written "submit one to another"
equal in power and in negotiation
because there is no man, no woman, no Greek, no Roman, no Jew or Gentile
In God's sight
He will use them all as He sees fit and in accordance with his Kingdom
For this vessel He makes for rich purposes
and this one He makes for poor
Will you, the clay, look to the Potter and question that He has the right
to make one thing for glory and another for destruction?
You won't be the first to denounce my Christianity
he did as well - when I walked away from his abuse, his lies, his cheating
he did not like that I did not fall under his control anymore either.